Creating New Routines and Making them Habits

I am so excited to share this with you because I know how important routines and consistency are to create mastery in our lives.

Recently, I decided to create a new morning exercise and writing routine.  Since I had moved into a new home and no longer had access to my treadmill, I decided that yoga would be a great way to start my day, and I could do it at home!  I also wanted to write every morning, so I added that as well.

Here are my best tips for creating a morning routine:

First, determine what you want your goal to be for your new routine.  Then, FEEL into what would be the best way for YOU to accomplish it.  There is no right or wrong answer since everyone is different.  Simply get quiet and listen to your intuition.  

Once you have decided on your new routine, set yourself up for success by laying out your exercise clothes the night before.  Have the yoga program, soft music, yoga mat, journal and a pen ready for writing immediately after your yoga practice.  

Keep your phone out of your room at night and use a traditional alarm clock instead, as the screen will only mess with your ability to sleep well by activating your mind even more.

After you do the new routine for several days, it will start to become a habit and you may actually notice that you feel worse when you DON’T do it every day.  You can change or modify your habits at any time by listening to your body wisdom and FEELING into what it needs now.

What a fabulous, fun and soul-fulfilling way to start your day!

Love & Joy,


p.s. Ever read the book The 5am Club by Robin Sharma? This book spells out why this morning time for you is SO great for your physical, financial, spiritual and emotional wealth.